Friday, August 1, 2008

First things first

The first thing a minichef needs to get a meal on the table in a quick, easy and cheap fashion is to be prepared in the pantry. If making a meal involves a trip to the store first, then it is not easy, quick, and usually not cheap either- because you are shopping when you and your family are hungry.

This is not to say that your pantry needs to be a well-stocked grocery store. We will be learning some techniques to quickly make something out of what you've got. But you've got to have something to start with.

Think about what kind of food your family eats and loves. What are some of the successes you've had in the past with impromptu cooking? What recipes have you fashioned yourself out of necessity, out of creativity, etc.

Also, be thinking about what kind of foods are inexpensive in your area. What kind of foods store well?

In the next post I will give you some answers about how to be prepared in your pantry.

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